Faruque Hasan
MES (Mech Engg), B Sc Engg (NAME)
Naval Architect, MRINA(UK); Marine Surveyor, MIIMS(UK)
Certified ISM and MLC, 2006 Auditor
e-mail: hasan@metacentre.co.nz
cell: +64 (0)21 0849 4678
Faruque Hasan has a bachelor degree in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering, and a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Auckland, New Zealand. He worked as Naval Architect and Marine Surveyor in a marine consultancy farm in Auckland where he accomplished a number of design modification works and marine surveying jobs. He also worked as Engineer Officer onboard various Bangladesh Navy ships, Naval Dockyard, and in a Shipyard.
Yanlong Jiang
PGD (Mech Engg), University of Auckland
BE (Mfg and Maint of M/Engines), Dalian Maritime University, China
e-mail: yanlong@metacentre.co.nz
Yanlong has a bachelor degree in Manufacturing & Maintenance of Marine Engines and a post graduate degree in Mechanical Engineering. During his career, he worked as an engineer in Dalian Marine Diesel Engines Ltd, China. Yanlong specialises in design, modifications, and marine engines accident investigation.
Rowson Sonia
B Com (Hons)(Mgt), M Com (Mgt)
e-mail: sonia@metacentre.co.nz
Rowson has a bachelor and a master’s degree in management. She has a wide range of experience in early childhood education, human behavior, merchandising, and business. Rowson provides administrative, customer care, operations, and project management support to MetaCentre NZ Limited.