By drawing on a broad mix of capabilities, and specialist knowledge, skills, and expertise of our team members, we provide comprehensive professional consultancy services to the maritime industry with reports tailored to specific requirements.
- Project Management
Our Project Management professionals, who are experienced naval architects, marine engineers, mechanical engineers, and who worked on board and yard, will undertake the best approach to successfully complete your project. Our project management services include offering cost-effective and flexible solutions to meet your objectives, and managing and supervising of modifications, repair works, or a complete project.
- MOSS Documentation Preparation
Maritime Operator Safety System (MOSS) is the new system that came into force in New Zealand from 1 July 2014 to improve the safety in maritime transport operations. An owner or operator needs to know the risks and hazards related to their operations, and possible solutions to managing those risks and preventing harm. The new MOSS rules require developing a safety system that is tailored to the operation. Therefore, the entire operation needs to be assessed to identify possible safety risks, their implications, and to put in place an effective risk management system. In order to ensure that you company complies with the MOSS rules, we can undertake the assessment and safety system development and prepare all required documents related to the safety systems and operation procedures on behalf of your company.